(function($) { $.mamewaza_scroll = function(cls) { if($.isEmptyObject(cls) ) { return ""; } var daemon = function() { var y = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height(); for(var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(arr[i].y > y) { break; } arr[i].elm.addClass(arr[i].cls); arr.splice(i, 1); } if(arr.length == 0) { $(window).unbind("scroll", daemon); } }; var arr = []; var y = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height(); for(var i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) { if(!cls[i] || !$("." + cls[i])[0]) { continue; } var j = 0; $("." + cls[i]).each(function() { var y_this = $(this).offset().top; if(y_this <= y) { return ""; } $(this).removeClass(cls[i]); arr.push( { "y": y_this, "elm": $(this), "cls": cls[i], } ); } ); } if(arr.length == 0) { return ""; } //sort arr.sort(function(a, b) { return b.y - a.y; } ); $(window).bind("scroll", daemon); daemon(); }; })(jQuery);

Business introduction

Amino acid business

Amino acid business

Our lineup includes 11 amino acid raw materials that have acquired the U.S. NON GMO Project certification. We also started handling plant extract raw materials.



Genetic information is the blueprint of living organisms.
By elucidating the function of genes through advanced science, we can understand the mechanism of life activity to be used in future drug research and development or “drug discovery.”

Rare metal business

Rare metal business

Rare metals refer to metals which are scarce on the earth to begin with, or metals that can be found in large quantities but are very difficult to extract as pure raw materials.

Recruitment consulting

Recruitment consulting

We provide new graduate referral services for outstanding Chinese students and support recruitment for Japanese companies.

Firing of rare metal-containing materials

Firing of rare metal-containing materials

We are engaged in contract firing of sludge containing Ni, W, Co, Mo, and Ta.

135-0007 3-5-1 Shin-Ohashi Koto-ku Tokyo, JAPAN
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